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Sant'Anna School and the Luca Cavallini Foundation inaugurate the new head office of Center of Plant Sciences for training and research activities in the fields of biodiversity and agroecosystems

Publication date: 19.07.2023
Inaugurazione sede via Crispi
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A new space for training and research at the Sant'Anna School. The Sant'Anna School and the Luca Cavallini Foundation inaugurate a new site for the Research Centre in Plant Sciences intended for activities in the fields of biodiversity and agro-ecosystems. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Sabina Nuti, rector of the Scuola Sant'Anna, Cesare Stefanini, president of the Luca Cavallini Foundation, Frida Scarpa, councillor of the municipality of Pisa with responsibility for relations with university institutions, and Stefania Eynard, representative of the Cavallini family.

The new premises are located in the centre of Pisa (Via Francesco Crispi 43) in a building built in the early 20th century and owned by the Luca Cavallini Onlus Foundation, which was renovated at the beginning of 2023 and granted on free loan to the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. In the new space, 20 workstations are available for the numerous training and research activities of the GOA - Group of Agroecology laboratory, such as carrying out bibliographical research, planning experiments, drafting projects for participation in calls for tenders, writing scientific articles and preparing dissemination activities, organising field activities and analysing data.

The Luca Cavallini Foundation supports the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in the promotion of education and advanced training, in the dissemination of culture, in the intellectual, cultural and ethical growth of young people, with particular attention to particularly deserving students in conditions of socio-economic fragility. The Foundation provides the School with some apartments to accommodate students of the Honour undergraduate courses and from the a.y. 2021/2022 funds a place for a student of the First Level Courses.